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When the latest-generation Ford GT was revealed in 2015 it instantly became the fastest and most sophisticated Ford yet created, serving as a test bed for new technologies and ideas for future vehicles across the Ford line-up. Despite its exclusive production run, this jewel in Ford’s performance crown has arrived in South Africa and completes one of the rarest GT collections in the world!
Ford Middle East recently announced the winners of its annual Henry Ford Excellence and President’s Awards – a programme designed to recognize its distributor partners for delivering outstanding customer experience and operations in 2021. The awards ceremony and handover of the trophies occurred during the Ford Middle East Distributors' Council at the Dubai Expo 2020.
Today Ford releases its 2022 Integrated Sustainability and Financial Report focused on the company’s transition to lead the electric revolution, including plans to scale production to more than 2 million electric vehicles per year by 2026 and to make half of its annual sales volume electric by the end of the decade.