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Renowned Ford collector and CEO of Lazarus Motor Company, Colin Lazarus, remains one of the best examples of a successful family-run business in the local automotive industry.
The NWM Ford Castrol Team will come out with all guns blazing when the South African Rally-Raid Championship (SARRC) resumes for round three of the 2022 season on 19 and 20 August in Bronkhorstspruit.
The lives of entrepreneurial students from the Central University of Technology (CUT) in the Free State are set to be transformed as Ford will be sponsoring them to represent South Africa, along with 32 other countries, that will participate in the prestigious Enactus World Cup in Puerto Rico from 30 October to 2 November 2022.
As part of Ford’s R15.8-billion investment in its Silverton Assembly Plant operations, a completely new high-tech Body Shop has been constructed featuring the highest-ever levels of automation and quality control for the facility, which will be producing the next-generation Ford Ranger for domestic sales and export to more than 100 markets globally
The Shelby Mustang King of the Road is one of the most famous models to bear the Shelby name and is making a return this year to honour the company’s 60th anniversary
Nelson Mandela dedicated his life to fighting for freedom, and was committed to using education as a tool to empower and uplift people. Madiba’s legacy continues to inspire others around the world, across South Africa, as well as in and around his home village of Qunu in the Eastern Cape.
Launched in South Africa in 2010, Driving Skills for Life (DSFL) is Ford’s award-winning and free driver training programme, developed to raise the standard of safety among South African drivers while rewarding them with essential skills designed to raise the calibre of driving in the country.
The Ford Wildlife Foundation (FWF) has extended its support for the Southern African Foundation for the Conservation of Coastal Birds (SANCCOB) in Gqeberha by contributing R50 000 towards its latest African penguin rescue and rehabilitation efforts.
Ford South Africa has appointed Maja Smith to the position of Ford Customer Service Division (FCSD) Director. Smith brings with her vast experience in the Customer Experience space and will bring a new way of thinking to what is one of Ford’s most important areas of business.
Ford Motor Company’s R15.8-billion investment in its Silverton Assembly Plant operations in Pretoria is coming to fruition, with the completion of one of its largest and most ambitious projects to date – the high-tech new Stamping Plant, which is now in operation. The vast facility measures a staggering 10 320m2, equivalent to almost 1.5-times the size of a standard soccer field (7 140 m2).